Saturday, May 19, 2012


SUNDAY May 20, 2012, is a powerfully magical day which ushers in a powerfully magical week. The big celestial show gets off to a bang when the Sun and Moon enter Gemini and align for the GEMINI NEW MOON

In ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC, we call this New Moon the CATAMITUS MOON -- named for Ganymede (Latin: Catamitus), the beautiful youth who so enraptured Jupiter that the king of the Gods swooped down from Olympus in the form of an eagle and carried Ganymede off to be at his side forever, serving as his cup bearer. This is a powerfully magical moon for working gay magical spells in the Gemini areas of friendships, finances and getting in contact with prospective lovers.

Meanwhile, the magic is further enhanced because Mercury and Jupiter are also in perfect alignment. This power lineup will affect Gemini-related communications issues for weeks to come. 

But that's not all! This New Moon is the first SOLAR ECLIPSE in the 21st Century to be visible over the continental United States at an hour when millions of people will be watching. 

This SOLAR ECLIPSE will be exact at 4:47 p.m. Pacific Time, and will be visible over the western half of the US as well as the Pacific, Japan and the eastern coast of China. 

It is an "Annular Eclipse," meaning the Moon creates a black disk which fits inside the orb of the sun, making the Sun appear to be a ring of fire in the sky. 

An Eclipse in an air sign like Gemini is believed to coincided with storms, wildfires and tornadoes. 

And because this Gemini alignment is within a few degrees of President Obama's Natal Moon, you can expect some sort of revelation concerning a certain dark secret to be made during this SOLAR ECLIPSE, and this revelation will send shock waves through the rest of the US presidential election campaign this summer and autumn.

The effects of an eclipse are felt for weeks afterwards, and this SOLAR ECLIPSE comes less than two weeks before Venus crosses the face of the sun -- the VENUS OCCULTATION -- which occurs only once in more than 120 years and which signals tremendous breakthroughs in the sign in which it occurs. 

Since these celestial events -- the SOLAR ECLIPSE and the VENUS OCCULTATION -- are occurring in Gemini, this means 2012 will be a turning point in the Gemini areas of communications and commerce. More about all of this in coming days ....

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