Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Weekly Sacred Astrology Forecast

JUNE 6th to 17th, 2012


On Thursday, Mercury leaves its home base of Gemini and plunges into the emotional depths of Cancer. You can expect communications over the next three weeks to be less friendly/excited, and instead more mushy/romantic. Cancer is the sign of family and homebodies. Call your mother!

FRIDAY JUNE 8th 2012

On Friday, the work week ends on on an antigonistic note when the Su and Mars are in a 90-degree right angle. You can expect to be defensive and annoyed by others, especially by authority figures.


On Saturday, romance is in the air when Mercury is in a flirty trine with Retrograde Pisces Neptune. You can expect to hear from an old flame or to rekindle an old romance.

SUNDAY JUNE 10th 2012

On Sunday, the weekend ends on a dreamy note when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in nice aspects to Mercury and Pluto and in a tense square to Retrograde Venus. The old flame who contacted you yesterday is still in your thoughts and you will want to take definite steps to rekindle that romance.

MONDAY JUNE 11th 2012

On Monday, two major celestial events boost your spirits. First, there is the PISCES THIRD QUARTER MOON which we call the LOTUS MOON. This means the next week will be a time of joyous anticipation of something big which is just beyond the horizon. This is the Pink Lotus of Antinous which rises from the surface of the Nile and which slowly opens its blossoms during the day — yearning for sunlight — and closes its petals again at night in anticipation of the next sunrise. Also on Monday, get ready for a major communications upgrade when Jupiter leaves stodgy Taurus and enters giddy Gemini, where Jupiter will remain for the next 12 months since Jupiter spends a year in each of the 12 signs during its 12-year orbit around the Sun. Jupiter loves travel, adventure, spiritual quests and generally anything that is upbeat and boisterous. Gemini loves chatter, movement, going places, quick-fire business, and the avoidance of boredom. So Gemini Jupiter means the next 12 months can be a time of rapid developments in the areas of social networking, travel, and new discoveries of all sorts. But it will also be a year of confusion since Jupiter tends towards over-exaggeration and Gemini finds it hard to focus on any one subject for too long. At any rate, the coming 12 months will not be boring, that's for sure!

TUESDAY JUNE 12th 2012

On Tuesday, CHIRON THE CENTAUR does an about-face and gallops "backwards" (as seen from Earth) from now until December. This obscure asteroid plays only a peripheral role in most daily astrology forecasts. But during the coming months Chiron is in a strong aspect to Pluto the transformer, which means that Chiron becomes a major player this year. The next six months will be a great time for you to do some introspection on personal healing.


On Wednesday, a party atmosphere reigns when the affable Gemini Sun forms a nice sextile to Libra Saturn. Saturn likes order and organizing things and, when it is in Libra, it likes to make sure social affairs are well-ordered. So this is an optimal day for a personal or business-related social gathering.


On Thursday, you can expect an upbeat atmosphere but don't be surprised when your plans continually run into snags when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in opposition to Saturn.

FRIDAY JUNE 15th 2012

On Friday, the work week ends on a laid-back note when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in a positive trine to Neptune and a nice trine to Pluto. Not only do you get all your work done by quitting time, but you also leave work with a clear conscience and an eagerness to kick back and relax.


On Saturday, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD goes "VOID OF COURSE" (VOC) for the entire day Wednesday, and a VOC MOON puts everything in "Pause" mode for the duration. This is a good day to sit back and give all those weekend chores a thorough review and rethink — without implementing them just yet.

SUNDAY JUNE 17th 2012

On Sunday, you will want to get out of the house and do things and see things when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in conjunction with Gemini Jupiter. This is a fine Sunday for meeting up with friends for something special


An exciting week lies ahead between June 18th and 24th, when the GEMINI NEW MOON occurs within 36 hours of the SOLSTICE. This is the second New Moon in the sign of Gemini (there will be no LEO NEW MOON this year) and we call this very special lunar phase the ANTINOUS MOON. Special Sacred Solstice Rites will be celebrated at the HOLLYWOOD TEMPLE OF ANTINOUS. More details next time ....

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