Thursday, September 17, 2015


Antinous Astrology Forecast

SEPTEMBER 17 to 27, 2015


On Thursday two momentous things happen: First, Mercury does an about-face and goes "backwards" as seen from Earth until October 9th. Click here for details on how RETROGRADE MERCURY can create confusion in communications and commerce.

But the second celestial event on Thursday prompts you to go for the gold when Virgo Jupiter and Pisces Neptune are in 180-degree opposition to each other ... for the first time since the California Gold Rush days of 1849! Key words: Amazing grace. Delusions of grandeur. Dreaming the impossible dream. Mirages sparkling seductive in the desert, unobtainable. Invincible souls and susceptible bodies. Boom or bust, or maybe both. The opposition between Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces at 7 degrees of each sign this September (exact on Thursday, September 17, but will be in effect September 12-21) is larger than life and yet shifty, hard to pin down or define. The possibilities are endless, for better and worse.

Note this date: August-October 1849. That was the last time Jupiter was in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces. That period offered up a few nuggets of gold we can glean some meaning from. It was a time quite literally awash in gold nuggets galore. The Gold Rush had begun the year before and hit its peak in 1849. California transformed from mostly rural, podunk towns into a booming gold hub in a very small time frame. Jupiterian excess and growth. It was a land of opportunity (Jupiter) for anyone willing to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty (Virgo). The rapidly expanding population came from every corner of the globe (Jupiter), making California into the melting pot (Neptune in Pisces) that it still is.

On the downside, however, are concern here regarding health matters. Neptune in Pisces tends to weaken the physical constitution and can get sloppy with sanitation; Jupiter in Virgo really exaggerates this. It is hard to say if this will play out stronger in individuals charts or on a broader scale, but there is potential for big outbreaks here, so take extra precautions regarding hygiene, environmental safety and the like. Respiratory infection — fluids in the lungs is a Neptune/Pisces thing — might be a particular concern.

Another concern is safety around bodies of water. Rain and storms can take on a life of their own, so pay attention to weather warnings if any are issued and avoid being around water if possible.


On Friday Saturn — the ruler of maturity, growth and challenges — leaves watery Scorpio for fiery Sagittarius, where it will stay for two years — until December 19, 2017. Saturn visits each zodiac sign every 28-30 years, so its arrival heralds a definitive two-to-three year period that reveals where our toughest lessons will be. Actually, Saturn entered Sadge last December, but then slipped backwards into Scorpio last March. Now it is in Sagittarius for good. Saturn’s last tour of Sagittarius was November 1985 until November 1988, so if you were born then, dial back through your personal history. You may see recurring themes, or issues that resurface. Saturn spotlights your "life's work," so stand tall and get cracking on the next round of this soul assignment.

Saturn and Sagittarius are strange bedfellows, because Sagittarius is the sign of optimism and expansion, while Saturn is all about restriction and harsh reality checks. But this blending of opposites could actually strike a healthy balance. Under Saturn’s measured approach, we may see the combustible global politics and uprising settle down again. Saturn can influence leaders, or leadership style, and with philosophical Sagittarius here, we may see some fascinating people rise through the ranks. Of course, as a brash fire-sign, Sagittarius can be rather dogmatic and outspoken, so we might also see a few grandstanding “armchair philosophers” who are more talk than action.

On the personal level, get ready to see major structures in your personal and/or professional life take on a whole, mature new shape. For the past two years, Scorpio Saturn was all about the little details, but now for the next three years you will find yourself focusing on the big picture as Saturn moves through Sagittarius.

Another concern is safety around bodies of water. Rain and storms can take on a life of their own, so pay attention to weather warnings if any are issued and avoid being around water if possible.


On Saturday you morph into Crabby McGrumpypants when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in conjunction with Saturn on the cusp of Sagittarius while squaring off against the historic Jupiter/Neptune opposition configuration which began on Thursday. During the course of the day, the Moon moves away from Saturn, enabling you to exit the shadow of grouchiness and assume a party mood for Saturday evening.


Overnight Sunday/Monday we come to the Sagittarius First Quarter Moon, which we call the EQUESTRIAN MOON in Antinous Moon Magic ... the Lunar Phase we associate with spiritual movement and progress, astral travel and astral projection ... On the material level, this Lunar Phase is excellent for making travel plans and for carrying out rituals for a safe journey with bountiful spiritual rewards ... or at least for washing that vehicle of yours.


On Tuesday expect an unexpectedly spontaneous and surprise-filled day because Venus is in a rosy trine aspect to Uranus. This is a recipe for impromptu meetings with unexpected guests. You encounter strangers who turn out to be long-lost soul mates ... or at least they are people you would like to become your soul mate.


On Wednesday the Sun leaves anxious Virgo and sails into laid-back Libra for the Equinox. This is when we celebrate the PERSEPHONEA when the Sun enters the first degree of Libra. In the Northern Hemisphere this is the Autumnal Equinox ushering in autumn. For our brothers in the Southern Hemisphere, this is the Vernal Equinox and spring is on the way — the jacarandas will soon be in bloom. Wherever you live, this is one of two days each year when daytime and nighttime are equal. It is time to reflect on balance in your own life.


On Thursday casual conversations turn into ugly arguments which can end in tears when lying Libra Mercury squares off against stubborn Capricorn Pluto. Mercury is deceptively smooth-talking in Libra and Pluto is eager to dismantle established structures in Capricorn (which explains what is happening in global finances and politics). Because Mercury is currently Retrograde, this means old crises suddenly boil over again. Mercury square Pluto is an aspect which encourages con men to try to pull a fast one on gullible souls. If you are gullible, then watch out. If you are a con man, then this is your day to shine.


On Friday don't be surprised when "conflicts" dissipate overnight ... when Mars leaves drama-queen Leo and enters caring-and-sharing Virgo starting Tuesday (til 13th November) ... where Mars energizes healing while soothing the heart ... Virgo Mars empowers you to act in a responsible and supportive way to help others ... and yourself! Martian ambition will be channeled into productive avenues from now until November 13th. That means some protracted disputes will seem to resolve themselves almost literally overnight.


This weekend things get intense when Mars forms a 90-degree square right angle to Saturn. It is like driving down a highway with one foot on the brake and the other on the accelerator because Mars wants to press the pedal to the metal, while Saturn wants a cautious, go-slow approach. The result is pent-up frustration which boils over into rage. Open warfare breaks out not only in crisis regions of the world, but also in street traffic, in your work place and in your domestic relationship. Cold-blooded, vengeful wrath strangles out rational thought.


Another exciting week lies ahead between September 28 and October 4 when the ARIES FULL MOON reminds you that the calendar may say it is autumn, but you can still sow some wild oats! But be careful: In Antinous Moon Magic we call this the LIGHTNING MOON for the bolt of lightning which nearly killed Hadrian and Antinous atop Mount Cassius in autumn of the year 129 AD. The LIGHTNING MOON is the most impetuous and accident-prone moon of the year.... More details next time ....

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